iRecommend: Luc Ban’s “Tarkovsky Redux”, May 12

This is more of a recommendation, it’s a personal, sincere, from the heart recommendation. Not only because I have met Lucian Ban and was completely absorbed by his warmth, beautiful energy, coolness but also because I attended his last concert in Bucharest.

He’s a true musician, totally dedicated to his art, extremely talented.

I felt privileged, that’s why I was among the first to buy tickets for me and my friends to his concert, Tarkovsky Redux, part of  the European Film Festival I was telling you about. 🙂

May 12, 2012

ARCUB Theatre, near Universitate

Entrance fee: 26 or 35 lei, 16 lei for students. (but you must hurry)

And, if you’re curious to find out more about Luc, please, visit his website.